Kool Glide Pro - Carpet Seaming Tool
An entirely new way to seam carpet! There's no carpet damage due to heat, there is no odor; there is great adhesion and it's simple to learn and use! The PRO tool that has the L-M-H (LOW-MEDIUM-HIGH) settings activated for seaming carpet over wood and bare concrete.
(For use with Kool Tape, Item No. AK088 seaming tape)
- Clean, fast adhesion at the push of a button
- Bonding on demand in seconds
- No smoke, no carpet damage or discoloration
- A powerful bond that can be removed minutes or years later, for easy repair or on-site rework
The Kool Glide is a light, handheld electric tool that melts adhesive using a pre-programmed heating cycle, controlled by a state-of-the-art microprocessor. Precise amounts of adhesive and tightly controlled heating provide for a consistent low-profile seam.
- No waiting for the tool to heat up
- The tool never gets hot, so there's no danger of burns to the operator
- The tool never touches the adhesive, so there's no messy cleanup
- No fumes in the operator's face
- No carpet discoloration